Tuesday, June 19, 2007


(22$/month, + 10000$ for tuition at University)
The UPass is Translinks essentially an insurance premium for students, nothing else. There is no altuism attached to Translink's ads & slogan "For students going places". Translink does not offer this deal to high school students, or college students. In fact, if you go to either UBC or SFU, it is mandatory. This is because Translink has calculated in the subsidy created by students who are unable to or chose not to use the bus. For example, students living in White Rock have no feasible transit solution to make it to either campus on time.
For students who do use the bus, it is an awesome deal. It pays for itself in several trips, as currently the prices to take transit are through the roof.
Colleges were not offered the UPass initially because translink knows that most of college students cannot afford cars (hence why they can only afford college), or go to college because it's close by (would be taking transit already). So there is no 'White Rock' commuters going to Douglas or Langara. There are no students who drive 2 hours to go to college-that would be ridiculous, as colleges are plentiful and spreadout in the Greater Vancouver Region.
Recently Translink offered UPasses to colleges for 35$/month, while charging the universities 22$/month. This is akin to an insurance premium-an insurance company charges more to people who use a health service more than those who do not.
Perhaps the most frustrating part is having to see big happy ads in the buses and skytrains, "For Students Going Places". Something more appropriate would be "For Students deemed on average to not use transit's services". Somehow, not as catchy.

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